Hash It! - unix utilities that should exist

Posted on Fri 01 March 2024 in update

Introducing hashit: A Command-Line Utility for Hashing Text Columns

I'm excited to announce a new command line utility. I was thinking of tools that should be part of unix but aren't already. This lead me to thinking about hash functions and how to create hashes on lists of strings easily, thus: hashit.

What is hashit?

hashit is a command-line utility designed to process columns of text into hash values, supporting both SHA3 and SHA256 algorithms. Developed with versatility and ease of use in mind, hashit offers an easy way to transform columns of data into columns of hashes.

hash columns of text using sha3 (default) or sha256

Usage: hashit [OPTIONS]

  -v, --verbose  
  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

Whether you're working on securing application data, verifying integrity, or simply need a quick way to hash information, hashit provides a robust toolset to meet your needs. It is developed fully in Rust, therefore it has natural security and performance advantages.

Key Features

  • Support for SHA3 and SHA256: Choose the hashing algorithm that best fits your requirements.
  • Command-Line Efficiency: Process large volumes of text quickly and efficiently directly from your terminal.
  • Easy Installation: With Rust as its backbone, installing hashit is as simple as cloning the repository and using Cargo.

Getting Started with hashit

To get started with hashit, visit our GitHub repository at https://github.com/jac18281828/hashit. Here, you'll find all the information needed to install, build, and start using hashit in your projects.

Installation is easy if you have Rust installed on your machine. If not, follow the instructions on the official Rust website to get set up. Once Rust is ready, clone the hashit repository, and you're just a few steps away from hashing your text data.

How Can You Contribute?

hashit is open to contributions! If you're interested in improving the tool, fixing bugs, adding features, or enhancing documentation, your contributions are welcome. We believe in the power of community-driven development to create more robust and versatile tools. Check out the contributing section in our repository for guidelines on how to make your mark on hashit.


hashit is released under the BSD-3-Clause, promoting open usage and contribution.

Why hashit?

In the creation of hashit, my goal was to provide a simple, yet powerful tool that could be easily integrated into various workflows. In particular, it supports pipelines as are common in unix environments. By offering support for popular hashing algorithms and ensuring a user-friendly experience, I'm confident that hashit will become a valueable command line tool

I'm excited to see how hashit will be used and look forward to engaging with our users to continue improving and expanding its capabilities. Your feedback and contributions are what will make hashit truly great.

Why wait? Head over to our GitHub repository, give hashit a try, and start hashing it today!