EMOM Timer - Rust + WebAssembly in Action

Posted on Sun 20 October 2024 in tech

EMOM Timer - A Rust and Yew Application

EMOM Timer


For those who are new to EMOM workouts, EMOM stands for "Every Minute on the Minute." It's a type of interval workout that pushes your limits by requiring you to complete an exercise at the start of each minute. The leftover time …

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History: Dante

Posted on Sun 20 October 2024 in history • Tagged with history, person

1265- 1321 - Dante was a Florentine noble who was exiled from his political office. Dante is well known for his work the Divine Comedy which he wrote between 1313- 1321, while in exile. Dante's work depicts the progression of a soul through the process of salvation.

History: Great Schism

Posted on Sun 13 October 2024 in history • Tagged with history, event

1377- After determining that a decline in papal authority was due, at least in part, to an Avignon Papacy , Pope Gregory XI returned the seat of papal power to Rome. Unfortunately, in 1378 Gregory died, resulting in a new struggle for papal power. Many Roman cardinals feared that the powerful …

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Announcement tsdev:v22.9.0

Posted on Tue 08 October 2024 in update

tsdev 22.9.0

Dear valued customers,

We are pleased to announce the release of our new container version 22.9.0. This new version includes several new features and improvements that will make your container experience even better.

Some of the new features include:

  • Improved security
  • Better performance
  • Enhanced …

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History: Avignon Papacy

Posted on Sun 06 October 2024 in history • Tagged with history, event

1305- 1377 - Continuing his bid to quell papal power, Philip IV pressured French cardinals to elect a French pope in the wake of the death of Bonifice VIII. Clement~V, 1305- 1314 was elected and moved the seat of the Papacy to Avignon, southern France, citing political turmoil in Rome …

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Announcement solana:v1.18.25

Posted on Fri 04 October 2024 in update

Solana 1.18.25

Dear valued customers,

We are pleased to announce the release of our new container version 1.18.15. This new version includes several new features and improvements that will make your container experience even better.

Some of the new features include:

  • Improved security
  • Better performance
  • Enhanced …

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