Smart Contract Deterministic Deployment

Posted on Tue 31 October 2023 in tech

<<<<<<< Updated upstream

Deterministic Deployment for Ethereum


Stashed changes Foundry

Deterministic deployment is an undocumented feature of forge in Foundry. Deterministic deployment refers to predictable deployment of smart contracts to the same address every time they are deployed. A deterministic contract address can be useful for several reasons:

  1. Trust: Users or other …

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did-eth 60: EIP1056Registry

Posted on Thu 19 October 2023 in tech

EIP1056Registry Pull Request did-eth-60

• renames registry to remove the word 'Ethereum' • upgrades solidity version to 0.8.15, a more recent and stable version • implements the EIP1056Registry interface • provides documentation for all contract functions

Closes Standardized Contract Interface

The Case for Solidity-Only Testing in Smart Contract Development

Posted on Mon 09 October 2023 in tech • Tagged with ethereum, solidity, foundry

The Case for Solidity-Only Testing in Smart Contract Development

If you're diving into the world of Solidity and smart contracts, you may have wrestled with the question: should I develop and test my project entirely in Solidity? For those unfamiliar with the debate, the alternative is often testing using TypeScript …

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did-eth 59

Posted on Tue 03 October 2023 in tech

This PR introduces comprehensive testing in Solidity for the did-eth-registry. By consolidating our tests within a single high-performance Solidity framework, we simplify future improvements and refactoring efforts. This approach also eliminates the need to switch between different language implementations, streamlining our development process. Please review here for additional information.

Fiat-Shamir Identification - Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs - Full Implementation

Posted on Fri 25 August 2023 in tech

Fiat-Shamir Identification: Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs

See full implementation code on GitHub

The ability to prove knowledge of some secret information without revealing the secret itself is crucial. Fiat-Shamir Identification demonstrates how this can be achieved in a way that doesn't require interaction between the prover and verifier. Further, Fiat and …

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define a custom keybinding in emacs

Posted on Fri 28 July 2023 in tech

Emacs global-set-key

This video demonstrates how to set a custom global keybinding in Emacs to open the org agenda folder.

(setq org-agenda-folder (quote "~/org"))
(defun open-agenda-folder () (interactive) (dired org-agenda-folder))
(global-set-key "\C-cr" (quote open-agenda-folder))
