Introduction to market making for engineers

Posted on Sat 20 May 2023 in tech • Tagged with bitcoin, ethereum, crypto, market-making, tutorial

Market Making in Crypto

High performance trading systems designers implement event sourcing models to build of low latency distributed systems. This is useful for market making where placing buy and sell orders rapidly lowers risk and improves profitability.

In this tutorial I explain how trading systems are designed to implement …

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on defining proofs of knowledge - part 2

Posted on Thu 09 March 2023 in tech • Tagged with crypto, journal

Introduction to proofs of knowledge - journal club - part 2

A proof of knowledge is a proof in which a prover can convince a verifier that it knows a secret. Typically the goal is to do so without revealing the secret which arrives at zero knowledge being expressed by the proving …

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on defining proofs of knowledge - part 1

Posted on Tue 28 February 2023 in tech • Tagged with crypto, journal

Introduction to proofs of knowledge - journal club

A proof of knowledge is a proof in which a prover can convince a verifier that it knows a secret. Typically the goal is to do so without revealing the secret which arrives at zero knowledge being expressed by the proving process.

In …

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Bad Blockchain!

Posted on Thu 10 November 2022 in news • Tagged with Ethereum, mempool, crypto

tx not found, might have been dropped from mempool - the least satisfying error message in the known universe. Thanks Ethereum

Update I had to fix this post because g00g13 thinks this error is a soft 404 ... LOL

Three steps to document Solididty in SPHINX

Posted on Tue 27 September 2022 in tech • Tagged with solidity, programming, ethereum, crypto, sphinx, tutorial

I was able to get solidity docgen working by implementing a series of three different stages all automated in our build process.

  1. Parse the solc output into actual json.
  2. Load the json file into the documentation system
  3. Use a Jinja template to convert the api document

There is shockingly poor …

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Post an order on Binance using Python

Posted on Sat 19 December 2020 in tech • Tagged with programming, python, tech, bitcoin, tutorial, crypto

Tutorial: Post an order on Binance using Python

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