A Simple PostScript Code

Posted on Mon 03 January 2022 in tech • Tagged with PostScript, programming

I wrote a few small PostScript programs in the 90's. At one point my resume was even manually formatted in PostScript.

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pylint to the people

Posted on Tue 21 December 2021 in tech • Tagged with pylint, python, code, programming

I applaud pylint for trying to keep me honest.

#14 2.636 evalsha.py:110:8: W1201: Use lazy % formatting in logging functions (logging-not-lazy)                                            
#14 2.636 
#14 2.636 -----------------------------------
#14 2.636 Your code has been rated at 9.88/10
#14 2.636 

Blocknative SDK - Complete Working Example

Posted on Wed 15 December 2021 in tech • Tagged with programming, javascript, blocknative, ethereum, blockchain

Complete working example, including Dockerfile and run script for Blocknative JavaScript SDK. Works!

Blocknative Python SDK - Complete Working Example

Posted on Sat 20 November 2021 in tech • Tagged with programming, python, blocknative, ethereum, blockchain

Complete working example, including Dockerfile and run script for Blocknative Python SDK. Works!

Simultaneous Estimation of Percentiles

Posted on Mon 15 November 2021 in tech • Tagged with programming, percentile, statistics, histogram

This bit of code has been fabulously useful. In particular when I have been focused on performance testing. This estimates the percentiles for a group of statistics.

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Generate the digits of Pi

Posted on Sun 31 October 2021 in tech • Tagged with programming, pi, python

Generate Digits of Pi - I have always been obsessed by Pi

Happy Halloween!