Fast Doubling Fibonacci Primes in Go

Posted on Sun 31 October 2021 in tech • Tagged with programming, fibonacci, prime, go


I've updated my multi-precision Fibonacci C++ package in Go. I am currently in the process of learning Go and this is something I thought I could tackle. I was surprised at how easy it was to build this. I'm becoming a reluctant convert. The implemntation complexity is comparable to Python …

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Moscow Puzzles 89: Siskin and Thrush

Posted on Sat 30 October 2021 in tech • Tagged with programming, moscow puzzles, python

Moscow Puzzles #89

Siskin and Thrush

C++ Functional Programming?

Posted on Wed 27 October 2021 in tech • Tagged with programming, c++, go, python, java


C++ programmers should explore functional languages. Experience with modern programming idioms can improve ones ability to write modern C++.

Reverse the words in a string C++

Posted on Wed 20 October 2021 in tech • Tagged with programming, interview, c++

I used to ask this classic on every single one of my interviews. I've gotten lenient.

Reverse the words C++

Leetcode Product of Three Largest Numbers in TypeScript

Posted on Sun 10 October 2021 in tech • Tagged with programming, Leetcode, TypeScript

Product of Three Largest Numbers in TypeScript

Leetcode Number Of Islands C++ Depth First Search Example

Posted on Sun 03 October 2021 in tech • Tagged with programming, Leetcode, C++, DFS

Number of Islands Recursive Graph Traversal

Depth First Search