Advice to a dog

Posted on Fri 01 May 2020 in art • Tagged with survival, poetry

...especially in the rain, we need to walk together.


To Survive [Alternate Translation]

Posted on Thu 30 April 2020 in art • Tagged with survival, translation, poetry


Endure, never beaten,

You are not a slave, enslaved;

Dreading, take heart,

Ferociously, as if mortally wounded.

With the tenacity of a badly rusted nail;

That in its age and ardor is still a nail;

Not the featherbrained fearlessness of the turkey;

Who is a coward when faced …

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To Survive

Posted on Mon 27 April 2020 in art • Tagged with survival, translation, poetry


Endure, never beaten,

You are not a slave, enslaved;

Dreading, take heart,

Ferociously, as if mortally wounded.

With the tenacity of a badly rusted nail;

That in its age and ardor is still a nail;

Not the featherbrained fearlessness of the turkey;

Who is a coward when faced …

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Posted on Sat 25 April 2020 in art • Tagged with survival, spanish, poetry


No te des por vencido, ni aun vencido, 

no te sientas esclavo, ni aún esclavo;

trémulo de pavor, piénsate bravo,

y arremete feroz, ya mal herido.

Ten el tesón del clavo enmohecido,

que ya viejo y ruin vuelve a ser clavo;

no la cobarde intrepidez del pavo

que …

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Posted on Thu 23 April 2020 in art • Tagged with survival, poetry

I went!
