When should we heed warnings?

Posted on Mon 15 April 2024 in update • Tagged with survival

I believe Captain Smith should have heeded warnings about ice in the North Atlantic and slowed down or stopped the Titanic. Don't you?


Posted on Sat 18 July 2020 in art • Tagged with inspiration, originalart, survival, poetry

Damned if I'm anything other than consistent.



Posted on Sun 21 June 2020 in art • Tagged with inspiration, originalart, survival



Posted on Sat 30 May 2020 in art • Tagged with survival, poetry


Advice to a dog 1

Posted on Wed 20 May 2020 in art • Tagged with survival, poetry

We must be able to navigate a variety of situations without biting anyone.

advice to a dog

To Go On

Posted on Wed 06 May 2020 in art • Tagged with survival, literal translation, poetry

TO GO ON! (Literal)

Do not give up, do not be beaten,

Do not feel like a slave, not even a slave;

Tremor of dread, think bravo,

And lash out fiercely, already badly wounded

Have the tenacity of the moldy nail,

That old and mean again becomes a nail;

Not …

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