Gibraltar Crusade Strategy Map

Posted on Mon 31 July 2023 in history

The Gibraltar Crusade

The Gibraltar Crusade was a battle for control of the Strait of Gibraltar waged by Castile, Morocco, and Granada in the late thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries. It is considered a major chapter in the Christian reconquest of Spain known as The Reconquista. The book Warfare in …

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History: Alcuin of York

Posted on Sun 30 July 2023 in history • Tagged with history, person

790 CE

Alcuin was a famous scholar from the school at York. Alcuin was adviser on ecclesiastical affairs in Charlemagne's court and one of the important leaders at the palace school. Alcuin taught classical Latin and liberal arts, and helped to maintain scholarship in the Catholic church.


Posted on Sun 30 July 2023 in update

saltlife 🌴

The beautiful thing about being on an island is there are no wires connecting you to mainland. The downside is there are no wires connecting you to mainland.


unicorn fart ice cream

Posted on Sat 29 July 2023 in food

Bean's Test Kitchen: Unicorn Fart Ice Cream


  • 2 cp milk
  • 2 cp cream
  • 1 cp sugar
  • 1 cp funfetti box cake mix
  • coloring as desired


define a custom keybinding in emacs

Posted on Fri 28 July 2023 in tech

Emacs global-set-key

This video demonstrates how to set a custom global keybinding in Emacs to open the org agenda folder.

(setq org-agenda-folder (quote "~/org"))
(defun open-agenda-folder () (interactive) (dired org-agenda-folder))
(global-set-key "\C-cr" (quote open-agenda-folder))


vm.mockCall in Solidity

Posted on Mon 24 July 2023 in tech • Tagged with solidity, ethereum, programming, tutorial

mocking calls to specific addresses in solidity

Mocking a specific address signature in Solidity is useful for simulating expected behavior from an existing address or instance of a contract. In mock testing dependencies are replaced with simulated implementations to isolate the behavior of the funtion under test.

Proxy contracts that …

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