History: Teutonic Knights

Posted on Sun 30 June 2024 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

The Teutonic Knights were established in the end of the twelfth century to protect the Christian Holy Land. These knights later used their military power to gain wealth by raiding and pillaging the Slavic nations in eastern Europe. The Teutonic Knights waged war on the Slavic peoples for thirty years …

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History: English parliament

Posted on Sun 16 June 2024 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

The English parliament established, 1300, was one of the primarily democratizing influences in the English monarchy. Originally parliament was used to refer to the meeting of the kings council, however, Edward I invited two knights from every county and two representatives from each city and town to meet and consent …

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History: troubadours

Posted on Sun 12 May 2024 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

A troubadour was a strolling minstrel or lyric poet. Troubadours were French, Italian and Spanish composers who sang and wrote about courtly love.

Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals are typified by two distinct types of architecture. The Romanesque cathedral was usually a rectangular basilica style similar to a fortress or castle …

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History: universitas

Posted on Sun 05 May 2024 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

Universitas is a Latin word which refereed to a corporation or guild of students or teachers. The univseritas evolved into our modern notion of the University. Universities developed in the middle ages, and several were established by the eleventh and twelve centuries.

History: scholasticism

Posted on Sun 28 April 2024 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

Scholasticism is the philosophical and theological system used in medieval schools. Scholasticism developed in the eleventh and twelfth centuries along with the university. One of the primary tenants of scholasticism was an attempt to reconcile faith and reason.

History: burghers

Posted on Sun 21 April 2024 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

A burgher is a member of the middle class in a European city, especially during the high middle ages, . The burgher class was principally composed of merchants and trades people.