History: Alexander the Great

Posted on Sun 19 September 2021 in history

355 - 323 BCE- Alexander was the son of Philip II who took control of Greece and Macedonia after the death of his father, 336 BCE. Alexander is popularly known as "Alexander the Great" because of his conquest of much of the Mediterranean region, Asia-minor, including the territory once held by the Persian Empire, the middle east, and even part of India. Alexander spent most of his time as king campaigning against neighboring city-states and expanding his empire. Unfortunately, his aggressive campaigning also lead to his downfall, when in 323 BCE he died of wounds received in battle. Alexander's legacy of conquest remains even today, and is probably attributable in large part to the excellent army built by his father. Numerous cities named 'Alexandria' are named after him, including one of the largest cities in Egypt. Alexander's principal legacy is the dissemination of Greek culture throughout the entire region of his empire in the short time of his reign. This legacy of Greek culture is one of the primary reasons why Greek culture remains so important in Western Civilization today.