Announcement xmtp/foundry:v1.0.4

Posted on Wed 01 November 2023 in update

XMTP Foundry v1.0.4


Dear valued customers,

We are pleased to announce the release of our new container version 1.0.4. This new version includes several new features and improvements that will make your container experience even better.

Some of the new features include:

  • Improved security
  • Better performance …

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Smart Contract Deterministic Deployment

Posted on Tue 31 October 2023 in tech

<<<<<<< Updated upstream

Deterministic Deployment for Ethereum


Stashed changes Foundry

Deterministic deployment is an undocumented feature of forge in Foundry. Deterministic deployment refers to predictable deployment of smart contracts to the same address every time they are deployed. A deterministic contract address can be useful for several reasons:

  1. Trust: Users or other …

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Announcement solc:v0.8.22

Posted on Tue 31 October 2023 in update

Solc 0.8.22


Dear valued customers,

We are pleased to announce the release of our new container version 0.8.22. This new version includes several new features and improvements that will make your container experience even better.

Some of the new features include:

  • Improved security
  • Better performance
  • Enhanced …

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History: The Rus

Posted on Sun 29 October 2023 in history • Tagged with history, people

Novgorod, Northwest Russia, south-southeast of St. Petersburg- The Rus where a Viking people who ruled under Rurik in the Slavic settlement of Novgorod, 862 CE. The Rus eventually donated their name to "Russia" as it is known today. One of Rurik's followers, Oleg, 873- 913 CE, established an association of …

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History: Slavs

Posted on Sun 22 October 2023 in history • Tagged with history, people

Central Eastern Europe- The Slavs were a central European people who eventually migrated and separated into three groups: western, southern, and eastern Slavs. The Germans felt it was important for them to convert the Slavs to Christianity and expended great effort in doing so, 1000 CE. The Polish, Czech and …

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did-eth 60: EIP1056Registry

Posted on Thu 19 October 2023 in tech

EIP1056Registry Pull Request did-eth-60

• renames registry to remove the word 'Ethereum' • upgrades solidity version to 0.8.15, a more recent and stable version • implements the EIP1056Registry interface • provides documentation for all contract functions

Closes Standardized Contract Interface