History: Flagellant

Posted on Sun 28 July 2024 in history • Tagged with history, movement

1348- The Flagellant movement emerged as a result of the Black Death. The Flagellants believed that the Black Death was a punishment meted out by God to force atonement for the evils and sins of the European people. The Flagellant were especially popular in Germany. They wandered from town to …

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History: Dominicans

Posted on Sun 18 February 2024 in history • Tagged with history, movement

1215- The Spanish priest, Dominic de Guzm'an, 1170- 1221, established the order of the Dominicans. Dominic believed that monks should be educated to defend against the many heresies of the middle ages.

History: Cult of Mary

Posted on Sun 14 January 2024 in history • Tagged with history, movement

1100- The Cult of Mary developed in wake of the extreme interest in Jesus that developed in the Middle Ages. Mary, Jesus' human mother, was viewed as an important mediator with her son, and many people were fascinated with her experience and story as the mother of a principal prophet …

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History: Cistercians

Posted on Sun 31 December 2023 in history • Tagged with history, movement

1098- The Cistercian order of monks evolved because some monks became disenchanted by the lack of strict discipline in the Benedictine orders. Cistercian beliefs spread rapidly. Monks from this order were required to eat a simple diet, wear only a single robe, and eliminate any type of decoration or adornment …

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History: Cluniac reforms

Posted on Sun 03 December 2023 in history • Tagged with history, movement

910- The Cluniac Reform Movement began in Burgundy at the abbey of Cluny. In 910 , Duke William of Aquitaine founded an abbey on the principal that the high ideals of the Benedictine rule should be lauded and followed. The Cluniac abbots maintained strict adherence to the ideal of moderation practiced …

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