History: Herodotus

Posted on Sun 11 July 2021 in history • Tagged with history, person

484- 425 BCE - Herodotus wrote what is often considered one of the first histories written in Western Civilization, History of the Persian Wars. He is often referred to as the "father of history" since his work is the earliest lengthly text to survive intact. Herodotus' central theme deals with the …

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History: Pericles

Posted on Sun 27 June 2021 in history • Tagged with history, person

461 - 429 BCE- A prominent figure in Athenian politics during a time when Athenian power was at its height. This time is known as The Age of Pericles and is marked by powerful democratic influences in Athens. One of the most important government bodies was a democratic institution known as …

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History: Cleisthenes

Posted on Sun 30 May 2021 in history • Tagged with history, person

500 BCE

An Athenian aristocrat who gained control of government and established the basis for Athenian democracy. Cleisthenes created a hierarchical government composed of ten tribes of Athenian citizens and a ruling council of 500 members who were elected by the tribes. Cleisthenes' reforms served to decrease the power of …

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History: Homer

Posted on Sun 18 April 2021 in history • Tagged with history, person

800 BCE

A famous writer and story teller known for his composition of the Iliad. The Iliad is an epic poem relating the story of the Trojan war. Although, some historians believe that another work, known as The Odyssey, can not be attributable to Homer, he is often given credit …

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History: Darius

Posted on Sun 21 February 2021 in history • Tagged with history, person

521 - 486 BCE- The Great King of Persia who was able to emerge as king after a year of civil war following the death of Cambyses, son of Cyrus the Great. Darius is regarded to have strengthened the Persian Empire, including building a canal from the Red Sea and the …

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History: Cyrus the Great

Posted on Sun 14 February 2021 in history • Tagged with history, person

559 - 530 BCE- One of the great kings of Persia, Cyrus conquered many kingdoms and ruled them beneficently. Cyrus was responsible for the defeat of the Medes, the Chaldeans , the Lydians, and many other peoples. Cyrus had a reputation for mercy, and even allowed subject states to participate in governance …

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