The Rover Audiobook

Posted on Sat 06 March 2021 in news • Tagged with librivox, audiobook, history, piracy, french revolution, recording

Now Available!

The Rover

I recently finished reading The Rover by Joseph Conrad with a team of volunteers over at librivox. The Rover is a very interesting book and not as swashbuckling as the title might make it seem. I could really relate to the character of Peyrol because in some ways …

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The Rover

Posted on Tue 25 August 2020 in news • Tagged with librivox, audiobook, history, piracy, french revolution, recording

The Rover

I'm working on another audio book for librivox. The Rover by Joseph Conrad is an excellent book about a former sea captain and pirate. The setting, during the French Revolution, couldn't be more apt and provides wonderful historical context.