Vegan Steak Pie

Posted on Sun 23 January 2022 in food • Tagged with vegan, recipe, cooking

Vegan Steak Pie



  1. 1 cup shortening
  2. pinch salt
  3. 2 tbs cornstarch
  4. 1 1/2 cup whole wheat four
  5. 1 cup AP flour

Mix with just enough cold water to form a crumbly dough


  1. Cowgirl Vegan Steaks (whole package)
  2. peas, carrots, assorted vegetables to taste
  3. Salt, pepper, Herb de Provence, season according to taste

Simmer for a few minutes with a chopped onion and add to crust

Bake 375F for 45 minutes - crust should be golden brown

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GMT 6.1 and ETOPO1 Bedrock or Ice

Posted on Fri 21 January 2022 in tech • Tagged with gmt, cartography, geo, bedrock, ice


Check out the latest GMT with Bedrock and Ice Surface containers posted to Docker Hub

I have a project to build these containers on GitHub

Today I posted and update that includes both bedrock and ice surface etopo1 data.

Package Contents:

  • Debian Stable
  • GMT 6.1
  • ETOPO1 Bedrock: etopo1-gmt6-bedrock-012122
  • ETOPO1 …

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Unpacking ...

Posted on Thu 20 January 2022 in news • Tagged with cert, foodbank, volunteer

Unpacking at the Milton Township Foodbank. It is an amazing resource for the community. This kind of work is good for the arms, back and soul.

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A Protein Oath

Posted on Wed 19 January 2022 in food • Tagged with oats, recipe, cooking

Resolve to eat this every morning ...

My Beautiful Protein Oats:

  1. 40g steel cut oats
  2. 1 tsp spirulina
  3. 1/2 scoop vanilla protien
  4. 1 tbsp peanut butter
  5. 1 tsp creatinine monohydrate
  6. pinch salt

Boil slowly over low heat, 5mins total

Enjoy with coffee and a hard boiled egg.

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History: Epicureanism

Posted on Sun 16 January 2022 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

Epicureanism is a system of belief based on individual pleasure. Epicurus, 341- 270 BCE, believed that the gods did not play a major role in the lives of humans. Instead he espoused the belief that individuals should be motivated towards self-satisfaction and the pursuit of personal rewards. Epicureanism is not …

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History: Archimedes

Posted on Sun 09 January 2022 in history • Tagged with history, person

287 - 212 BCE- Archimedes is one of the most famous scientists of all time. Archimedes was a native of Syracuse. He is renowned for many inventions and contributions. His contributions include work on the geometry of spheres and cylinders, a value for the constant pi, the concept of specific gravity …

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