Comet C/2020 F3 Neowise

Posted on Mon 17 August 2020 in update • Tagged with astrophotography, neowise, comet, photography

I couldn't resist sneaking away to a remote cornfield to peak at Neowise. I still remember my father waking me up several hours before dawn to see Halley's Comet. For me it was a life long memory and something that changed me as a person.

Neowise C/2020 F3

The Bethe Trick

Posted on Sat 02 May 2020 in update • Tagged with math, squares, numeracy

The Bethe Trick - Bethe taught Feynman how square quickly at Los Alamos.

The Bethe Trick

Hawaiian Legends of Ghosts and Ghost-Gods

Posted on Sun 11 November 2018 in update • Tagged with librivox, audiobook, recording, travel

Ghosts and Ghost-Gods

I am genuinely excited to record 4 sections for the book Hawaiian Legends of Ghosts and Ghost-Gods. I have enjoyed the process and the feeling of contribution.