Warfare in the Age of Crusades The Latin East

Posted on Sun 09 July 2023 in update • Tagged with books, writing, cartography

I was delighted to receive my copy of Warfare in the Age of Crusades: The Latin East We are nearing completion of Volume Two: Europe. This is a major vidication of all of our collective work.

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professional illustrator

Posted on Sun 12 March 2023 in books • Tagged with illustrator, cartography

I've produced the maps in 5 separate history volumes. That includes more than 80 professionally produced and commercially published illustrations. I think I am finally getting the hang of Adobe Illustrator.

GMT 6.1 and ETOPO1 Bedrock or Ice

Posted on Fri 21 January 2022 in tech • Tagged with gmt, cartography, geo, bedrock, ice


Check out the latest GMT with Bedrock and Ice Surface containers posted to Docker Hub

I have a project to build these containers on GitHub

Today I posted and update that includes both bedrock and ice surface etopo1 data.

Package Contents:

  • Debian Stable
  • GMT 6.1
  • ETOPO1 Bedrock: etopo1-gmt6-bedrock-012122
  • ETOPO1 …

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Rochester Castle, 1215

Posted on Fri 27 November 2020 in books • Tagged with history, cartography, warfare

I used the remarkable silhouette of Rochester Castle, Kent, UK to create an icon to represent besieged cities in the upcoming Warfare in the Age of Crusades - The Latin East. Available 2021!

Rochester Castle is no stranger to siege warfare. In October 1215 King John besieged it. The intractable task …

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Manzikert 2021

Posted on Thu 26 November 2020 in books • Tagged with history, cartography, warfare

Road to Manzikert chronicles the history of the Byzantine Empire and it’s series of conflicts with the Islamic world. For the first time it will be available in paperback starting in March 2021. Pen and Sword Books #history #military #cartography

Manzikert 2021

Massacre Sites during the German Crusade, 1096

Posted on Mon 12 October 2020 in history • Tagged with history, cartography, art, illustrator, mapping, crusades

After 20 years since the start of the first book, I have started work illustrating the historical maps for Warfare in the Age of Crusades: Volume One: The Latin East - Coming 2021!

Truthfully, the technology has gotten easier to work with in 2020.

The Jewish Massacres during the German Crusade, 1096