Age of Crusades - Europe

Posted on Thu 23 December 2021 in history • Tagged with warfare, history, books, writing

Warfare in the Age of Crusades, Volume II, Europe will have a major focus on North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. I feel my perspective shifting West.


Warfare in the Age of Crusades The Latin East

Posted on Fri 26 November 2021 in history • Tagged with warfare, history, books, writing

The Latin East

The Latin East will include 26 detailed and carefully illustrated regional and tactical maps.

Warfare in the Age of Crusades The Latin East

Posted on Sat 13 November 2021 in history • Tagged with warfare, history, books, writing

The Latin East

I just submitted 26 regional and strategic maps for Volume 1 of Warfare in the Age of Crusades, The Latin East.

It's coming next month!

Rochester Castle, 1215

Posted on Fri 27 November 2020 in books • Tagged with history, cartography, warfare

I used the remarkable silhouette of Rochester Castle, Kent, UK to create an icon to represent besieged cities in the upcoming Warfare in the Age of Crusades - The Latin East. Available 2021!

Rochester Castle is no stranger to siege warfare. In October 1215 King John besieged it. The intractable task …

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Manzikert 2021

Posted on Thu 26 November 2020 in books • Tagged with history, cartography, warfare

Road to Manzikert chronicles the history of the Byzantine Empire and it’s series of conflicts with the Islamic world. For the first time it will be available in paperback starting in March 2021. Pen and Sword Books #history #military #cartography

Manzikert 2021

The Crusades

Posted on Mon 05 October 2020 in books • Tagged with history, cartography, art, illustrator, mapping, crusades, warfare

I've started work on Warfare in the Age of Crusades: Volume One: The Latin East

Tabula Rasa: 1095 or now?

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