History: Magna Carta

Posted on Sun 23 June 2024 in history • Tagged with history, writing


The Magna Carta was a great charter of feudal liberties. The Magna Carta was supported by the English nobility because it limited the power of the English monarchy. Much of the Magna Carta was aimed at preventing wrongful imprisonment, and to prevent the king from conducting executions or taking …

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History: Domesday Book

Posted on Sun 26 May 2024 in history • Tagged with history, writing

1086- The Domesday book listed the exact holdings of individual English families. The Domesday book allowed William of Normandy to take taxes based on each individuals wealth.

History: Treaty of Verdun

Posted on Sun 13 August 2023 in history • Tagged with history, writing

843 CE- After the death of Charlemagne, his son Louis the Pious, 814- 840 CE , succeeded him to the throne, however the stability of the Empire soon came into question as competing influences vied for the throne. In 843 CE after the death Louis the Pious, his three sons signed …

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Warfare in the Age of Crusades The Latin East

Posted on Sun 09 July 2023 in update • Tagged with books, writing, cartography

I was delighted to receive my copy of Warfare in the Age of Crusades: The Latin East We are nearing completion of Volume Two: Europe. This is a major vidication of all of our collective work.

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History: Koran

Posted on Sun 04 June 2023 in history • Tagged with history, writing

600 CE

See Quran. Koran|see Quran

History: Quran

Posted on Sun 28 May 2023 in history • Tagged with history, writing

600 CE

The Quran is the written text of the visions of the prophet Muhammad. The Quran is one of the most sacred works to followers of the religion of Islam. The principal teaching of the Quran is that there is no god but Allah, and his prophet is Muhammad …

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