professional illustrator

Posted on Sun 12 March 2023 in books • Tagged with illustrator, cartography

I've produced the maps in 5 separate history volumes. That includes more than 80 professionally produced and commercially published illustrations. I think I am finally getting the hang of Adobe Illustrator.

on defining proofs of knowledge - part 2

Posted on Thu 09 March 2023 in tech • Tagged with crypto, journal

Introduction to proofs of knowledge - journal club - part 2

A proof of knowledge is a proof in which a prover can convince a verifier that it knows a secret. Typically the goal is to do so without revealing the secret which arrives at zero knowledge being expressed by the proving …

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Confirming GitHub commits signed by Codespaces

Posted on Tue 07 March 2023 in tech • Tagged with github, programming

Commit signature verification is a way of ensuring that the commits you make or receive are authentic and have not been tampered with. By signing your commits with a cryptographic key, you can prove that you are the author of the code and that no one else has modified it …

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Grep-Fu - show all signatures for custom errors

Posted on Tue 07 March 2023 in tech • Tagged with solidity, programming


Custom errors are a feature of Solidity that allow you to display error messages to the user in a convenient and gas-efficient way. They are declared in the head of the contract and called after a revert statement.

error Unauthorized();
if (msg.sender != owner()) {
  revert Unauthorized();

However, a challenge …

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History: Saint Patrick

Posted on Sun 05 March 2023 in history • Tagged with history, person

390- 461 CE - Saint Patrick was a Christian missionary who went to Ireland in the fifth century CE. Patrick was kidnaped as a child and taken to Ireland where he was compelled to work as a slave, however, he later managed to escape. After Patrick's escape he became a monk …

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on defining proofs of knowledge - part 1

Posted on Tue 28 February 2023 in tech • Tagged with crypto, journal

Introduction to proofs of knowledge - journal club

A proof of knowledge is a proof in which a prover can convince a verifier that it knows a secret. Typically the goal is to do so without revealing the secret which arrives at zero knowledge being expressed by the proving process.

In …

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