
Posted on Tue 13 December 2022 in tech • Tagged with TypeScript, npmjs, web3, Ethereum, governance

@collectivexyz just published @collectivexyz/governance

Install from command line:

 $ npm install @collectivexyz/governance

Install using yarn:

 $ yarn add @collectivexyz/governance


Simple example to connect to a governance contract.

import { EthWallet, Governance, GovernanceBuilder, CollectiveGovernance } from '@collectivexyz/governance';
import Web3 from 'web3';

export async function connect(): Promise<Governance> {
  try {
    const rpcUrl …

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Find event from Transaction Receipt

Posted on Sat 10 December 2022 in tech • Tagged with ethereum, solidity, typescript, ethers

Here is a trivial example that finds an event from a Transaction Receipt in ethers js.

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Find past events in ethers js

Posted on Thu 08 December 2022 in tech • Tagged with ethereum, solidity, typescript, ethers

Although there are examples of getting events from a particular transaction using ethers js. I found it fairly difficult to find an example that searches for events from a particular block or transaction. Here is a code to do just that:

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Ethers js trivial example

Posted on Mon 05 December 2022 in tech • Tagged with ethereum, solidity, typescript, ethers

The Internet is guilty of having a supreme lack of trivial functional examples. In the past trivial examples frequently functioned as the documentation for various libraries and utilities. While that was probably what we refert to now as the 'bad old days.' The modern focus on documentation and literate code …

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building solc

Posted on Thu 17 November 2022 in tech • Tagged with Ethereum, Solidity, web3, c++, devops

Building Solidity's compiler solc is nothing short of a bear. It is using complex external dependencies like boost with some optional dependencies. Moreover the build depends on specific versions of these packages. This amount of complexity for a compiler is a topic of another post but it does give me …

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Store a value globally by address on chain

Posted on Fri 11 November 2022 in tech • Tagged with Ethereum, Solidity, web3

This simple solidity example is super useful for testing transaction processing. It globally sets a value by address which will default to sender but may also be specified.

Solidity AddressStore - Save a value globally on chain