History: Hannibal

Posted on Sun 08 May 2022 in history • Tagged with history, person

246- 183 BCE - Hannibal Barca was a Carthaginian general who was sworn to hatred of Rome by his father, Hamilcar Barca. Hannibal lead Carthage in several successful battles against Rome in the Punic Wars. Hannibal marched across the Alps with a significant army built of Spanish natives, however there were …

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History: Cato the Elder

Posted on Sun 01 May 2022 in history • Tagged with history, person

234 - 149 BCE- Cato the Elder was a Roman praetor, and consul who became a censor, or census taker, in 184 BCE. Cato was against the Roman movement to incorporate Greek culture and education. Cato famously claimed that it was cheaper to work slaves to death, rather than treat them …

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History: Twelve Tables

Posted on Sun 24 April 2022 in history • Tagged with history, writing

451 BCE- Plebian pressure to codify Roman law lead to a commission which created a set of twelve laws known as the "Twelve Tables." The "Twelve Tables" restricted the influence of upper-classes and helped minimize arbitrary authority and tyranny. The Twelve Tables cover many aspects of Roman society including family …

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History: Samnites

Posted on Sun 27 February 2022 in history • Tagged with history, people

Central Apennine Mountains, Mountain Range Bisecting Italy from North to South- A hill people of Central Italy, who, from 343- 290 BCE, waged war with the Romans. Finally, Rome defeated them and established a treaty with the Samnite states providing an expanded Roman Confederation and an alliance between the parties …

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Posted on Sun 20 February 2022 in news • Tagged with culture, history

Hamilton does History a disservice by making Aaron Burr seem like a cool guy and not a creep.

History: Etruscans

Posted on Sun 30 January 2022 in history • Tagged with history, people

Central Italian Peninsula, modern day Tuscany- 900- 450 BCE -- The Etruscans had a major influence on the Roman civilization. The origin of the Etruscans is subject to debate, some historians believe the Etruscans are Italian natives, while others believe they migrated from Asia-Minor, or elsewhere. The Etruscans lived in walled …

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