History: Seneca

Posted on Sun 23 October 2022 in history • Tagged with history, person

4 BCE- 65 CE - Seneca was a politician and aristocrat who was educated in the philosophy of Stoicism. He was Nero's tutor and assisted in governing in the first five years of Nero's rule. Later Seneca began to withdraw from politics, however he could not extricate himself completely. In 65 …

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History: Good Emperors

Posted on Sun 16 October 2022 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

The Five Good Emperors where Nerva, 96- 98 CE , Trajan, 98- 117 CE , Hadrian, 117- 138 , Antonius Pius, 138- 161 CE , and Marcus Aurelius, 161- 180 CE. The era of the Five Good Emperors is known as the Pax Romana, it was a time of peace and prosperity.

Order of evaluation for Solidity modifiers

Posted on Thu 13 October 2022 in tech • Tagged with solidity, programming, ethereum, web3, modifier

Solidity modifiers are evaluated from left to right. It makes sense to order modifiers in order of those that are most likely to fail to those that are least likely to fail. It is also a good idea to order them from most primitive to most expensive. And prerequisite conditions …

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History: Pax Romana

Posted on Sun 09 October 2022 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

96- 180 CE -- The Pax Romana was a period of peace and goodwill in post republican Rome. The era is marked by the rule of the Five "Good Emperors". These rulers respected ruling classes and the senate, did not perform arbitrary executions, maintained peace and were generally beneficent to the …

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History: Flavians

Posted on Sun 02 October 2022 in history • Tagged with history, dynasty

69- 96 CE - The Flavian Dynasty includes the Roman rulers Vespasian, 69- 79 CE , Titus, 79- 81 CE , Domitian, 81- 96 CE. The time of the Flavian Dynasty was one of the first eras where Roman rulers referred to themselves as Emperors, thus signifying a final transition from republican ideals …

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remove the ./ from find -print

Posted on Wed 28 September 2022 in tech • Tagged with linux, programming, bash

If you want to apply a script to each file in a folder recursively you may not want the full relative path. Here is how to remove it.

$ find . -type f -print | sed -e "s|^\./||g"

For example to combine it with xargs and invoke a script on each name …

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