History: scholasticism

Posted on Sun 28 April 2024 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

Scholasticism is the philosophical and theological system used in medieval schools. Scholasticism developed in the eleventh and twelfth centuries along with the university. One of the primary tenants of scholasticism was an attempt to reconcile faith and reason.

History: burghers

Posted on Sun 21 April 2024 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

A burgher is a member of the middle class in a European city, especially during the high middle ages, . The burgher class was principally composed of merchants and trades people.

History: guilds

Posted on Sun 14 April 2024 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

Craft guilds played a key role in the production of material goods in the middle ages, . Craft guilds established standards for production of goods and labor practices. Craft guilds also established fixed prices for the sale of goods. The guild process involved a training hierarchy where a person would start …

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History: Charters of Liberties

Posted on Sun 07 April 2024 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

Charters of liberties were legal documents which illustrated the relative freedoms of individuals. The Magna Carta is known as one of the greatest feudal charters of liberties.

History: Fairs of Champagne

Posted on Sun 31 March 2024 in history • Tagged with history, event


The trading fairs of Champagne were the largest marketplaces in western Europe. Champagne hosted fairs annually as part of a French program to increase trade. Merchants were promised protection from harm and reduced taxes, while the state enjoyed increased commercial activity.

History: Saladin

Posted on Sun 24 March 2024 in history • Tagged with history, person

1169- Saladin lead Sunni Muslims of Syria in an invasion of Egypt and ended the Fatimid caliphate. Saladin's forces also invaded Jerusalem, Palestine and Tripoli. The fall of Jerusalem led to a 'third crusade.'