unicorn fart ice cream

Posted on Sat 29 July 2023 in food

Bean's Test Kitchen: Unicorn Fart Ice Cream


  • 2 cp milk
  • 2 cp cream
  • 1 cp sugar
  • 1 cp funfetti box cake mix
  • coloring as desired


define a custom keybinding in emacs

Posted on Fri 28 July 2023 in tech

Emacs global-set-key

This video demonstrates how to set a custom global keybinding in Emacs to open the org agenda folder.

(setq org-agenda-folder (quote "~/org"))
(defun open-agenda-folder () (interactive) (dired org-agenda-folder))
(global-set-key "\C-cr" (quote open-agenda-folder))


vm.mockCall in Solidity

Posted on Mon 24 July 2023 in tech • Tagged with solidity, ethereum, programming, tutorial

mocking calls to specific addresses in solidity

Mocking a specific address signature in Solidity is useful for simulating expected behavior from an existing address or instance of a contract. In mock testing dependencies are replaced with simulated implementations to isolate the behavior of the funtion under test.

Proxy contracts that …

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History: scriptorium

Posted on Sun 23 July 2023 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

The scriptorium was the head of the monastic scriptoria or writing rooms. The scriptorium was an important monastic office and represented concerted power and influence in the monastery. These writing rooms were where monks copied sacred and important historical texts for posterity.

History: Donation of Constantine

Posted on Sun 16 July 2023 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

The Donation of Constantine was a forged document which the eighth century popes produced as a show of legal precedent and political support for papal rule of Rome and the nearby territories. The Donation of Constantine was supposed to be written by Emperor Constantine in 313 CE , in which he …

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History: Missi Dominici

Posted on Sun 09 July 2023 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

The Missi Dominici were court officials appointed by Charlemagne to be "messengers of the lord king." The Missi Dominici were charged with supervising the regional counts and verifying that they were governing in accordance with the wishes of the king.