History: The Epic of Gilgamesh

Posted on Sun 09 August 2020 in history • Tagged with history, writ

2800-2500 BCE

The Epic of Gilgamesh is a poem dating to ancient Sumeria. It recounts the tale of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh describes a cataclysmic flood sent down upon the Earth by the gods to destroy human kind. A god, Ea, revealed the plot to destroy humanity to a man, Utnapishtim. Utnapishtim …

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History: Code of Hammurabi

Posted on Sun 12 July 2020 in history • Tagged with history, writ

1750 BCE

A collection of 282 ancient laws used in governing the people of old Babylon. The Code of Hammurabi is one of the best known sources of ancient law text. The Code provides severe penalties for criminal behavior, but these penalties varied according to specific social class. Hammurabi's Code …

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Rendezvous - Alan Seeger

Posted on Sat 04 July 2020 in art • Tagged with warfare, history, poetry

I Have a Rendezvous with Death

Alan Seeger

Jun 22, 1888 - July 04, 1916

I have a rendezvous with Death

At some disputed barricade,

When Spring comes back with rustling shade

And apple-blossoms fill the air—

I have a rendezvous with Death

When Spring brings back blue days and fair …

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History: Babylon

Posted on Sun 28 June 2020 in history • Tagged with history, place

South-Central Mesopotamia- A capital city of ancient Mesopotamia established by Hammurabi. Babylon is known for its luxury and wealth. The Neo-Babylonian Empire, 612 BCE, is well known for its achievements, including the defeat of the Assyrian Empire, agricultural prominence, trade in textiles and metals, and renowned for the famous 'Hanging …

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History: Sumerians

Posted on Sun 21 June 2020 in history • Tagged with history, people

Sumer, lower Mesopotamia, Middle East- Sumeria is the first civilization to appear, 3200 BCE. The Sumerian civilization lasted until 2340 BCE. The Sumerian civilization consisted of a confederation of city-states, including Uruk, Umma, Lagash, Ur and Eridu. Sumerians flourished in Southern Mesopotamia. The origin of the Sumerian people is unknown …

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History: Mesopotamia

Posted on Sun 14 June 2020 in history • Tagged with history, place

North of the Arabian Peninsula, Modern day Iraq, Middle East- Greek: Literally "between two rivers." A region of land North of the Arabian Peninsula between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Mesopotamia is said to be one of the "cradles of civilization," since early agricultural settlements developed here. Specifically the civilization …

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