History: Otto I

Posted on Sun 01 October 2023 in history • Tagged with history, person

936- 973 CE - Otto I was one of the best known kings of the Saxons in Germany. Otto I defeated the Magyars at Lechfeld in 955 CE , and encouraged conversion of Slavic and Scandinavian peoples to Christianity. Otto I incorporated the power of the church more heavily into his kingdom …

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History: Vikings

Posted on Sun 27 August 2023 in history • Tagged with history, people

Scandinavia- The Vikings are a Germanic people who settled in Scandinavia. These tribal warriors were also known as the Norsemen. The Vikings excelled as warriors, ship builders, and sailors. The combination of these skills allowed the Vikings to come into contact with much of the known world at the time …

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History: Magyars

Posted on Sun 20 August 2023 in history • Tagged with history, people

Western Asia- The Magyars were encouraged to attack the Bulgars by the Byzantine emperors, while the Bulgars urged the Pechenegs to attack the Magyars. The Magyars were eventually forced into eastern and central Europe by the Pecheneg pressure. The Magyars built a strong presence in Hungary and made many raids …

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History: Treaty of Verdun

Posted on Sun 13 August 2023 in history • Tagged with history, writing

843 CE- After the death of Charlemagne, his son Louis the Pious, 814- 840 CE , succeeded him to the throne, however the stability of the Empire soon came into question as competing influences vied for the throne. In 843 CE after the death Louis the Pious, his three sons signed …

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History: Alcuin of York

Posted on Sun 30 July 2023 in history • Tagged with history, person

790 CE

Alcuin was a famous scholar from the school at York. Alcuin was adviser on ecclesiastical affairs in Charlemagne's court and one of the important leaders at the palace school. Alcuin taught classical Latin and liberal arts, and helped to maintain scholarship in the Catholic church.

History: Charlemagne

Posted on Sun 02 July 2023 in history • Tagged with history, person

768- 814 CE - Charles the Great or Charlemagne was a charismatic and powerful ruler of the Frankish peoples. He was said to be very intelligent, aggressive, capable on the battlefield, and an exceptional statesman. Charlemagne undertook fifty-four military campaigns with the small Frankish army, about 8,000 men. Charlemagne's aggressive …

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