History: Chaldeans

Posted on Sun 10 January 2021 in history • Tagged with history, people

The Levant, Eastern Mediterranean- The Chaldeans or Neo-Babylonians were a semitic speaking people with origins on the Arabian Peninsula. The Chaldeans and the Medes captured the Assyrian capital Nineveh in 612 BCE. This allowed them to establish a new monarchy. Nebuchadnezzar II finally defeated the Assyrians around 604 BCE, and …

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History: Assyrians

Posted on Sun 27 December 2020 in history • Tagged with history, people

The Levant Region- 750- 605 BCE -- Assyria was the first iron age empire. The Assyrians were able to seize power after the destruction of the Hittites. Assyrians were a semitic speaking people, with origins on the Arabian peninsula. The Assyrians were known to be very harsh rulers. They used iron …

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History: Hebrews

Posted on Sun 01 November 2020 in history • Tagged with history, people

Israel, Palestine, Assyria, and the Levant- The Hebrews are a semitic speaking people with origins on the Arabian Peninsula. The Hebrews have origins as far back as 1600 BCE, and are still prominent in the modern day world. The Hebrew's biblical texts including the Torah and the Talmud served as …

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History: Phoenicians

Posted on Sun 25 October 2020 in history • Tagged with history, people

Palestine, Levant- A Semitic speaking people originating on the Arabian Peninsula. The Phoenician people had settled in the region of Palestine, on the Mediterranean coast, since early times. The Phoenician city of Byblos was a major trading center for the middle east in the early first millennia BCE, in particular …

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History: Hittites

Posted on Sun 18 October 2020 in history • Tagged with history, people

Mesopotamia- Combined Indo-European and native people in Asia Minor formed the Hittite kingdom, 1750 BCE. The capital of the Hittite kingdom was Hattusha, now called Bogazk"oy in modern Turkey. The Hittites began to spread outward by 1600 BCE, and began to establish an empire. After years of conflict, the …

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History: Hyksos

Posted on Sun 27 September 2020 in history • Tagged with history, people

Upper Egypt and Arabian Desert- The Hyksos migrated into the delta region of the upper Nile, 1652 - 1557 BCE. This migration initiated a second age of chaos in Egypt, since the Hyksos perpetrated frequent attacks and raids upon Egyptian cities. The Hyksos spoke Semitic languages and originated on the Arabian …

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