History: vassalage

Posted on Sun 10 September 2023 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

The Vassals were the servants of a specific Lord in a Fief. Their servitude is known as vassalage and consisted of total subservience based on either military service or tax payment.

Announcement godev:v1.21.1

Posted on Sat 09 September 2023 in update

GoDev 1.21.1


Dear valued customers,

We are pleased to announce the release of our new container version 1.21.1. This new version includes several new features and improvements that will make your container experience even better.

Some of the new features include:

  • Improved security
  • Better performance
  • Enhanced …

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History: feudalism

Posted on Sun 03 September 2023 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

Feudalism is the term ascribed to the system of organization of land into 'Fiefs' controlled by a lord, and tended by the lords servants or Vassals. Feudalism was not a formal system of government, it is a descriptive term used by historians to explain the top-down hierarchical system of land …

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Announcement pythondev:v1.0.16

Posted on Tue 29 August 2023 in update

Python Dev v1.0.16

Dear valued customers,

We are pleased to announce the release of our new container version 1.0.16. This new version includes several new features and improvements that will make your container experience even better.

Some of the new features include:

  • Improved security
  • Better performance …

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Announcement tsdev:v18.17.1

Posted on Tue 29 August 2023 in update

tsdev 18.17.1

Dear valued customers,

We are pleased to announce the release of our new container version 18.17.1. This new version includes several new features and improvements that will make your container experience even better.

Some of the new features include:

  • Improved security
  • Better performance
  • Enhanced …

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History: Vikings

Posted on Sun 27 August 2023 in history • Tagged with history, people

Scandinavia- The Vikings are a Germanic people who settled in Scandinavia. These tribal warriors were also known as the Norsemen. The Vikings excelled as warriors, ship builders, and sailors. The combination of these skills allowed the Vikings to come into contact with much of the known world at the time …

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