My GPG Public Key Updated 2024

Posted on Fri 12 January 2024 in security • Tagged with gpg

My GPG updated public key is available from keyserver by fingerprint FD311EE84C8321C3E93C1E639028C4309ACCEB9B

Announcement xmtp/foundry:v1.0.6

Posted on Mon 08 January 2024 in update

XMTP Foundry v1.0.6

Last release - See updated version

Collective Foundry


Dear valued customers,

We are pleased to announce the release of our new container version 1.0.6. This new version includes several new features and improvements that will make your container experience even better.

Some of the …

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History: Hildegard of Bingen

Posted on Sun 07 January 2024 in history • Tagged with history, person

1098- 1179 - Hildegard of Bingen was an abbess of a convent at Disibodenberg in Germany. Hildegard wrote down mystical visions that she experienced in three books. Hildegard was an important composer and she contributed greatly in the area of Gregorian chanting.

Dancing Cells

Posted on Mon 01 January 2024 in tech • Tagged with rust, programming, solidity, evm, blockchain

I found the discussion of "Dancing Cells" in Don Knuth's latest lecture (2023) extremely relevant to blockchain programming.

The reason is this method of memory allocation is very similar to the method required to organize data as a set in Solidity. See here

Here is a example implementation of some …

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History: Cistercians

Posted on Sun 31 December 2023 in history • Tagged with history, movement

1098- The Cistercian order of monks evolved because some monks became disenchanted by the lack of strict discipline in the Benedictine orders. Cistercian beliefs spread rapidly. Monks from this order were required to eat a simple diet, wear only a single robe, and eliminate any type of decoration or adornment …

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Lyn Scanner Rust Example

Posted on Thu 28 December 2023 in tech

Lyn Scanner

Example parser scanner written in Rust using the Lyn crate. This is part of the 2023 Advent of Code, Day 05.

This scanner is meant to parse data of the of the following format into maps of arrays:

seeds: 79 14 55 13

seed-to-soil map:
50 98 2 …

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