History: latifundia

Posted on Sun 22 May 2022 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

The latifundia were enormous farms administered by wealthy landed aristocrats. The latifundia were known for their wide use of slaves. The latifundia resulted in agricultural intensification as the wealthy landowners bought poor peasant farms. The latifundia primarily produced olives, wine, and sheep. Since Rome primarily conscripted military service from landowners …

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History: nobiles

Posted on Sun 15 May 2022 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

A select group of wealthy and powerful families who tended to occupy the more important political offices, 133 BCE. Interestingly, nobiles consisted of both patricians and plebians showing the significant influence of wealth on the Roman power structure. The nobiles demonstrated the central power and control of as few as …

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History: Hannibal

Posted on Sun 08 May 2022 in history • Tagged with history, person

246- 183 BCE - Hannibal Barca was a Carthaginian general who was sworn to hatred of Rome by his father, Hamilcar Barca. Hannibal lead Carthage in several successful battles against Rome in the Punic Wars. Hannibal marched across the Alps with a significant army built of Spanish natives, however there were …

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History: Cato the Elder

Posted on Sun 01 May 2022 in history • Tagged with history, person

234 - 149 BCE- Cato the Elder was a Roman praetor, and consul who became a censor, or census taker, in 184 BCE. Cato was against the Roman movement to incorporate Greek culture and education. Cato famously claimed that it was cheaper to work slaves to death, rather than treat them …

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History: Twelve Tables

Posted on Sun 24 April 2022 in history • Tagged with history, writing

451 BCE- Plebian pressure to codify Roman law lead to a commission which created a set of twelve laws known as the "Twelve Tables." The "Twelve Tables" restricted the influence of upper-classes and helped minimize arbitrary authority and tyranny. The Twelve Tables cover many aspects of Roman society including family …

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History: plebian

Posted on Sun 17 April 2022 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

The plebians were the large body of the lower classes in Rome. The plebians were independent, and generally did not have large landholdings. Although, the plebians did not hold the same right to govern as the patricians did initially. The efforts of some of the wealthier plebians, eventually allowed the …

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