History: Epicureanism

Posted on Sun 16 January 2022 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

Epicureanism is a system of belief based on individual pleasure. Epicurus, 341- 270 BCE, believed that the gods did not play a major role in the lives of humans. Instead he espoused the belief that individuals should be motivated towards self-satisfaction and the pursuit of personal rewards. Epicureanism is not …

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History: Archimedes

Posted on Sun 09 January 2022 in history • Tagged with history, person

287 - 212 BCE- Archimedes is one of the most famous scientists of all time. Archimedes was a native of Syracuse. He is renowned for many inventions and contributions. His contributions include work on the geometry of spheres and cylinders, a value for the constant pi, the concept of specific gravity …

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History: Aristarchus of Samos

Posted on Sun 02 January 2022 in history • Tagged with history, person

310- 230 BCE - A Greek astronomer who is known to have developed a heliocentric view of the universe. Aristarchus of Samos believed that the Sun and stars were 'fixed' in the heavens, while the Earth rotated around the Sun in a circular orbit. Aristarchus also believed that the Earth revolved …

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History: Polybius

Posted on Sun 26 December 2021 in history • Tagged with history, person

203- 120 BCE - Polybius was the central historian of the Hellenistic period. Polybius was Greek, however he lived in Rome for a time. He wrote a detailed history of the "inhabited Mediterranean world" from 221 to 146 BCE.

His history focuses on the growth of Rome and the achievements of …

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Age of Crusades - Europe

Posted on Thu 23 December 2021 in history • Tagged with warfare, history, books, writing

Warfare in the Age of Crusades, Volume II, Europe will have a major focus on North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. I feel my perspective shifting West.


History: New Comedy

Posted on Sun 19 December 2021 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

A form of Athenian theatrical expression with the primary intention of entertaining and amusing the audience. Previous theatrical work was notable for its focus on political themes and tragedy. The New Comedy departed from these themes to focus primarily on entertainment.