History: Investiture Controversy

Posted on Sun 24 December 2023 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

Although German kings frequently appointed high-ranking clergy to important civic positions, Pope Gregory issued a decree, in 1075, which banned the practice. King Henry IV, 1056- 1106 , who was no stranger to the practice, fiercely opposed the decree since his Investiture of the bishop of Milan, the second most important …

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History: melee

Posted on Sun 17 December 2023 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

In twelfth century armed combat tournaments attendees generally participated in a melee. The 'melee' was a free for all battle among combatants armed with blunted weapons. Losers were taken prisoner and held for ransom, allowing the victors to reap huge profits at the expense of the losers.

History: Chivalry

Posted on Sun 10 December 2023 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

In the high middle ages, , Chivalry was the code of ethics employed by nobility. Chivalry encouraged 'civilized' behavior. Knights were encouraged to defend the church and the meek, and to engage in combat only when an opponent was similarly armed.

History: Cluniac reforms

Posted on Sun 03 December 2023 in history • Tagged with history, movement

910- The Cluniac Reform Movement began in Burgundy at the abbey of Cluny. In 910 , Duke William of Aquitaine founded an abbey on the principal that the high ideals of the Benedictine rule should be lauded and followed. The Cluniac abbots maintained strict adherence to the ideal of moderation practiced …

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History: Truce and Peace of God

Posted on Sun 26 November 2023 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

In the eleventh century the Catholic church instituted the Peace of God to stop knights from constantly battling each other and especially to stop them from hurting and killing noncombatant persons such as clergy, the poor, merchants and women. The church urged knights to take an oath of respect for …

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History: aratum

Posted on Sun 19 November 2023 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

See carruca aratum|see carruca .