Leetcode Number Of Islands C++ Depth First Search Example

Posted on Sun 03 October 2021 in tech • Tagged with programming, Leetcode, C++, DFS

Number of Islands Recursive Graph Traversal

Depth First Search

History: koine

Posted on Sun 03 October 2021 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

Greek, literally "common tongue." A dialect of the Greek language, based on the Athenian dialect, which was commonly used throughout the Hellenistic Kingdoms. The Hellenistic kingdoms were the Kingdoms that were established in the wake of the death of Alexander and the fragmentation of his empire.

Complete working example of Protocol Buffers in C++ with CMake and a Dockerfile

Posted on Thu 30 September 2021 in tech • Tagged with programming, Protobuf, C++, CMake, Linux, Docker

Protocol Buffers complete working example with CMake and Docker for C++


History: Roxane

Posted on Sun 26 September 2021 in history • Tagged with history, person

350 BCE

Roxane was the daughter of a Bactrian Baron named Oxyartes. Alexander the Great married Roxane, 327 BCE, as was common practice, to cement relations between his empire and Roxane's state, which he had defeated. Alexander died when Roxane was pregnant with his only heir. Later, Roxane gave birth …

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Complete working example gRPC in C++ with CMake and a Dockerfile

Posted on Thu 23 September 2021 in tech • Tagged with programming, gRPC, C++, CMake, Linux, Docker

Sometimes and example is worth a thousand words. In this installment gRPC C++ with CMake FetchContent and a Dockerfile.


History: Alexander the Great

Posted on Sun 19 September 2021 in history • Tagged with history, person

355 - 323 BCE- Alexander was the son of Philip II who took control of Greece and Macedonia after the death of his father, 336 BCE. Alexander is popularly known as "Alexander the Great" because of his conquest of much of the Mediterranean region, Asia-minor, including the territory once held by …

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