History: The Philippics

Posted on Sun 12 September 2021 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

A series of orations given by Demosthenes. Demosthenes orations focused on painting Philip II as a "ruthless, deceitful, treacherous, and barbaric" villain who would ultimately harm Greece, if Greece did not pursue an initiative to quell his power.

How to run Unifi controller in AWS with a small (1Gb) memory footprint

Posted on Wed 08 September 2021 in tech • Tagged with unifi, networking, unix, linux, aws, debian, ubuntu

For years, I have been hosting Unifi controller in AWS. AWS is both more convenient and reliable than hosting a local server. I am also convinced that hosting a minimalist server is about the same cost on AWS as running locally. In the past, I have purchased a one year …

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History: Philip II

Posted on Sun 05 September 2021 in history • Tagged with history, person

359 - 336 BCE- Philip II was a king of Macedonia, and father of famed conquerer Alexander the Great. Philip was an admirer of Greek culture and Greek military acumen. When Philip took control of Macedonia he began to build a large army in order to ensure the strength of the …

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History: hetairai

Posted on Sun 29 August 2021 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

Greek: literally "female companions." An elite class of prostitutes or courtesans. Hetairai were usually ex-slaves or foreign nationals with a certain level of sophistication as compared with other 'prostitutes.' Hetairai were dancers, musicians and entertainers. Prostitution was not generally frowned upon in ancient Greece, and therefore Hetairai also provided sex …

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History: Aristotle

Posted on Sun 22 August 2021 in history • Tagged with history, person

384 - 322 BCE- Aristotle was one of Plato's students, and remains one of the most important thinkers in Western Civilization to this day. Although Aristotle believed in universal forms, like Plato, Aristotle did not agree with Plato's idea of ideal forms. Aristotle believed that form and matter were inseparable and …

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History: Platos Republic

Posted on Sun 15 August 2021 in history • Tagged with history, writing

400 BCE

Plato's work entitled The Republic explained Plato's views on Government. The Republic describes an ideal, or utopian, state, and is considered to be one of the first works of utopian literature. The public in Plato's Republic is divided into three groups, a ruling elite of serving philosopher kings …

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