History: hoplites

Posted on Sun 23 May 2021 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

A military system utilized by the Greeks, 800 - 700 BCE. Hoplites were heavily armed infantry men who wore bronze or leather helmets, breast plates, and greaves or shin-guards. Hoplites carried round shields, short swords, and a long spear, about 9 feet in length. Hoplites are known to have used a …

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Twenty Spheres

Posted on Mon 17 May 2021 in tech • Tagged with programming, graphics, c++

twenty speheres

A little c++ shader toy that I wrote for rendering a light model. Twenty Spheres This program is based on a classic computer graphics problem.

Yes...15 spheres are shown here!

History: polis

Posted on Sun 16 May 2021 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

The Greek word for city-state. A unit of governmental and social organization where Greek cultures identify themselves through a nearby city-center, i.e., metropolis, and have common language, customs, history, and religion. Two well-known Poleis are Sparta and Athens.

History: PreSocratic Philosophers

Posted on Sun 09 May 2021 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

Greek Philosophers who's ideas date from before the time of Socrates, 469 BCE. The pre-Socratic philosophers are noted for their attempts to explain the universe through unifying principals. These philosophers also attempted to describe the nature of reality, and commonly considered existence to be either constant or malleable. Notable pre-Socratic …

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History: Odyssey

Posted on Sun 02 May 2021 in history • Tagged with history, writing

800 BCE

See Homer

History: Iliad

Posted on Sun 25 April 2021 in history • Tagged with history, writing

800 BCE

See Homer