maven cpu utilization

Posted on Wed 16 December 2020 in tech • Tagged with programming, maven, java, rants

Maven sucking only half the CPU

Apache Maven cpu utilization is far too low.

A large project with hundreds of build files and tests should use 100% of the cpu easily. Something is wrong!

Migrated off of travis-ci

Posted on Mon 07 September 2020 in tech • Tagged with programming, continuous integration

I migrated all of my builds off of travis-ci. I've never really liked travis-ci, it is slow and offers little added value over and above the infrastructure that is already required to build and connect with it. On the other hand, GitHub offers a wide array of tools enabling development …

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Power of 4

Posted on Sat 15 August 2020 in tech • Tagged with math, squares, numeracy, programming

This one line solution bests 100% of Java submissions on leetcode.

I have to out myself. When I was a junior programmer I would have been strongly morally opposed to a solution like this. First of all, that was three decades ago and back then many types of cpus did …

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The simple math behind the extraordinary benefit of 8 sided dice for diceware

Posted on Thu 14 May 2020 in tech • Tagged with unix, diceware, security, programming

Most diceware implementations use 6-sided dice or D6. It would be easy to knee jerk assume that the marginal difference between 6 and 8 sided dice is negligible. However, in that case, one would be forgetting that we are dealing with exponential counting here and small numbers really add up …

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Announcing RPN

Posted on Sun 03 May 2020 in tech • Tagged with calculator, GPLv3, lex, yacc, c++, programming

RPN is a reverse polish command line calculator and repl. It is written in C++ with Lex and Yacc generated grammar. RPN provides a similar syntax as classic reverse polish calculators. I have just released it under the GNU GPLv3 on my github page.

One Line CMAKE Tutorial

Posted on Tue 28 April 2020 in tech • Tagged with cmake, programming

Everything I know about cmake in one line.

$ cd build && make -j