History: ius naturale

Posted on Sun 27 November 2022 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

Latin: literally natural law. The Romans believed, at least in principal, that the rights of individuals are inalienable from them. This precept maintains that a person is innocent until proven guilty, and that all people should be equal in the eyes of the law and government. Though this precept has …

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building with rust...

Posted on Tue 22 November 2022 in tech • Tagged with Solana, rust, web3, rustc

"Even high-spec machines can run out of memory while compiling parts of the Solana codebase."


History: ius gentium

Posted on Sun 20 November 2022 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

Latin: literally national law. The Romans founded a sophisticated form of government with a basis in law. The Romans understood the distinction between national law, such as those required in the maintenance of state and natural law. See ius naturale.

building solc

Posted on Thu 17 November 2022 in tech • Tagged with Ethereum, Solidity, web3, c++, devops

Building Solidity's compiler solc is nothing short of a bear. It is using complex external dependencies like boost with some optional dependencies. Moreover the build depends on specific versions of these packages. This amount of complexity for a compiler is a topic of another post but it does give me …

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History: insulae

Posted on Sun 13 November 2022 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

The insulae where dilapidated apartment complexes for the poor and landless. The insulae could be as tall as six stories, and could be compared with modern day "tenement complexes" in large cities. The insulae where prone to collapse and fire.

Store a value globally by address on chain

Posted on Fri 11 November 2022 in tech • Tagged with Ethereum, Solidity, web3

This simple solidity example is super useful for testing transaction processing. It globally sets a value by address which will default to sender but may also be specified.

Solidity AddressStore - Save a value globally on chain