Bad Blockchain!

Posted on Thu 10 November 2022 in news • Tagged with Ethereum, mempool, crypto

tx not found, might have been dropped from mempool - the least satisfying error message in the known universe. Thanks Ethereum

Update I had to fix this post because g00g13 thinks this error is a soft 404 ... LOL

History: Tacitus

Posted on Sun 06 November 2022 in history • Tagged with history, person

56- 120 - Tacitus is known as the "greatest historian of the silver age." He wrote several works, including Annals and Histories. Tacitus' works detailed the history of Rome from Tiberius through to Domitian, 14- 96 CE. Tacitus was also a Senator who disliked the abuses of power committed by the …

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History: Nero

Posted on Sun 30 October 2022 in history • Tagged with history, person

37- 68 - Nero was a Roman Emperor who is widely regarded to have been inconsequential in his rule. It is said that Nero "fiddled while Rome burned." This statement may indicate that Nero had a propensity for good spirit and lack of leadership. Nero was deposed after a Spanish Revolt …

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History: Seneca

Posted on Sun 23 October 2022 in history • Tagged with history, person

4 BCE- 65 CE - Seneca was a politician and aristocrat who was educated in the philosophy of Stoicism. He was Nero's tutor and assisted in governing in the first five years of Nero's rule. Later Seneca began to withdraw from politics, however he could not extricate himself completely. In 65 …

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History: Good Emperors

Posted on Sun 16 October 2022 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

The Five Good Emperors where Nerva, 96- 98 CE , Trajan, 98- 117 CE , Hadrian, 117- 138 , Antonius Pius, 138- 161 CE , and Marcus Aurelius, 161- 180 CE. The era of the Five Good Emperors is known as the Pax Romana, it was a time of peace and prosperity.

Order of evaluation for Solidity modifiers

Posted on Thu 13 October 2022 in tech • Tagged with solidity, programming, ethereum, web3, modifier

Solidity modifiers are evaluated from left to right. It makes sense to order modifiers in order of those that are most likely to fail to those that are least likely to fail. It is also a good idea to order them from most primitive to most expensive. And prerequisite conditions …

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