Alexander Hamilton's Education

Posted on Mon 28 December 2020 in news • Tagged with history

One of the greatest writers in history was effectively home schooled and self educated. The Education of Alexander Hamilton


Posted on Sun 13 September 2020 in news • Tagged with unix, epoch

I feel like I am the only one that is excited about the upcoming unix time event: 1600000000 seconds since the epoch. But I am! 😬🎉

The Rover

Posted on Tue 25 August 2020 in news • Tagged with librivox, audiobook, history, piracy, french revolution, recording

The Rover

I'm working on another audio book for librivox. The Rover by Joseph Conrad is an excellent book about a former sea captain and pirate. The setting, during the French Revolution, couldn't be more apt and provides wonderful historical context.

Spring 2020 Piano Recital

Posted on Sat 30 May 2020 in news • Tagged with piano, music

Naperville Music Virtual Piano Recital #covid19

Spring 2020

4k video!

War Flying by a Pilot

Posted on Tue 28 April 2020 in news • Tagged with librivox, audiobook, history, warfare, recording

War Flying by a Pilot is available on librivox. This book is a well written and interesting account of the very early days of military aviation.

How to Fix Guitar Fingers

Posted on Sun 19 April 2020 in news • Tagged with guitar, tips, music

After injuring my hand I was unable to play guitar for some time. As a result I lost some of my finger condition and it has been difficult to get it back. One trick for playing an extended set without the ouchy fingers is to use Gorilla Glue.

A put …

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