History: Darius

Posted on Sun 21 February 2021 in history • Tagged with history, person

521 - 486 BCE- The Great King of Persia who was able to emerge as king after a year of civil war following the death of Cambyses, son of Cyrus the Great. Darius is regarded to have strengthened the Persian Empire, including building a canal from the Red Sea and the …

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History: Cyrus the Great

Posted on Sun 14 February 2021 in history • Tagged with history, person

559 - 530 BCE- One of the great kings of Persia, Cyrus conquered many kingdoms and ruled them beneficently. Cyrus was responsible for the defeat of the Medes, the Chaldeans , the Lydians, and many other peoples. Cyrus had a reputation for mercy, and even allowed subject states to participate in governance …

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History: Persians

Posted on Sun 07 February 2021 in history • Tagged with history, people

The Eastern Mediterranean Region, Middle East into Asia- An enormous empire established in large part due to the expansive conquests of Cyrus the Great. The Persians had conquered nearly every Middle-Eastern civilization and created a huge empire by 500 BCE. The Persians were an Indo-European speaking people related to the …

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History: Medes

Posted on Sun 31 January 2021 in history • Tagged with history, people

The Eastern Mediterranean Region, Middle East- The Medes existed from 612- 539 BCE. Along with the Chaldeans , the Medes contributed to the conquest of the Assyrian Empire. The Medes originated in Iran, North East of the Arabian Peninsula. The Medes were conquered by the Persians and Cyrus the Great around …

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History: Gardens of Babylon

Posted on Sun 24 January 2021 in history • Tagged with history, place

Babylon, Middle East, Asia Minor- The Gardens of Babylon were a series of steps leading up to a plateau on an artificial mountain. The mountain was covered with an extravagant garden. The Gardens were irrigated with water piped to the top. It is said that the Gardens appeared suspended in …

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History: Nebuchadnezzar

Posted on Sun 17 January 2021 in history • Tagged with history, person

605 - 562 BCE- Nebuchadnezzar II was the Chaldean ruler who established their independence from the Assyrians. Nebuchadnezzar sacked Palestine, sending the Hebrew people into exile, and destroying their religious centers, including their temple at Jerusalem. Nebuchadnezzar is noted for having constructed one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World …

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