History: Teutoburg Forest

Posted on Sun 14 August 2022 in history • Tagged with history, place

Germania or Germany- 9 CE -- Though the reign of Augustus was generally marked by military triumph and successes, Augustus did fail to expand the Roman empire beyond the natural borders established in the North. In particular, at the Battle of Teutoburg Forest, Augustus was soundly defeated. The Romans lost about …

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History: Octavian

Posted on Sun 07 August 2022 in history • Tagged with history, person

63 BCE- 14 CE - See Augustus. Octavian|see Augustus

History: Augustus

Posted on Sun 31 July 2022 in history • Tagged with history, person

63 BCE- 14 CE - Augustus was a special title awarded to Octavian, Caesar's heir, adopted son, and grandnephew. Augustus signified "the revered one." Augustus ruled Rome in concert with Caesar's close ally, Mark Antony. The regime is known to have meted out revenge against Caesar's assassins, including Cicero. The political …

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History: Mark Antony

Posted on Sun 24 July 2022 in history • Tagged with history, person

83?- 30 BCE - Mark Antony shared rule with Octavian in an unstable alliance. Antony would ultimately join forces with Cleopatra VII in a bid for ultimate control of the Roman Empire. However, Antony was defeated by Octavian at the Battle of Actium. The defeated Antony retreated to Egypt and is …

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History: Battle of Actium

Posted on Sun 17 July 2022 in history • Tagged with history, battle

31 BCE- Though Caesar's grandnephew, Octavian , shared rule of the Roman empire with Mark~Antony, 83?- 30 BCE , the two eventually battled each other for ultimate control of the empire. Antony joined forces with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII and met Octavian in battle at Actium (Greece). Octavian decisively defeated …

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History: Second Triumvirate

Posted on Sun 10 July 2022 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

10 CE

The political alliance between Mark Antony, Augustus and Marcus Lepidus is known as the "Second Triumvirate." This alliance was recognized with legal authority to rule under Roman law. See Augustus.