History: Homer

Posted on Sun 18 April 2021 in history • Tagged with history, person

800 BCE

A famous writer and story teller known for his composition of the Iliad. The Iliad is an epic poem relating the story of the Trojan war. Although, some historians believe that another work, known as The Odyssey, can not be attributable to Homer, he is often given credit …

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History: Mycenaean Civilization

Posted on Sun 11 April 2021 in history • Tagged with history, people

Greece, Northern Mediterranean- 1600- 1100 BCE -- The Mycenaean Greeks were Indo-European speaking peoples who spread from southwestern Europe, India and Iran. Mycenaean culture is marked by fortified palace-centers, which were built on hills surrounded by stone walls. Royal families would live within the city-wall structure, while citizens would live outside …

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History: Minoan Crete

Posted on Sun 04 April 2021 in history • Tagged with history, place

Isle of Crete, Northern Mediterranean- The earliest civilization in the Aegean region is called "Minoan Crete." Minoan Crete was a Bronze Age civilization, 2800 BCE. Minoan Crete was discovered on the island of Crete by Arthur Evans. The name 'Minoa' is taken from the name of a famous king of …

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History: immortals

Posted on Sun 28 March 2021 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

An elite infantry force of 10,000 Medes and Persians. When an Immortal was killed he was immediately replaced. The Immortals enjoyed special privileges, including concubines and servants traveling with them while they were on campaign. The Immortals also had special food prepared for them.

History: Ahuramazda

Posted on Sun 21 March 2021 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

The God of Light according to Zoroastrianism. Ahuramazda is the God of Good in Zoroastrian thinking. Ahuramazda will eventually triumph over the God of Evil, and exact judgment upon the people of the Earth. Only those who have chosen a righteous path will be allowed to pass into everlasting peace …

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History: Zoroastrianism

Posted on Sun 14 March 2021 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

A dualistic religion of the Persian Empire after 600 BCE. Zoroastrianism is a religious system attributable to the prophet Zoroaster, 660 BCE. Tenants of Zoroastrianism include the duality of a 'god of light' and a 'god of darkness' who struggle for influence over humanity. Zoroastrianism assumes adherents have free-will, with …

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