History: Peace of Augsburg

Posted on Sun 09 March 2025 in history • Tagged with history, event

1555- The Protestant Reformation instigated a spate of religious turmoil and warfare throughout Europe, since few states and officials could agree on the fate of the two intertwined yet conflicting ecclesiastical disciplines. Wars between Italy, Spain, Germany and the Turks marked the period until the Peace of Augsburg. The Peace …

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History: Edict of Worms

Posted on Sun 02 March 2025 in history • Tagged with history, event


In response to Martin Luther's strong condemnation of church doctrine, Holy Roman Emperor Charles~V, 1519- 1556 convened a meeting to force Luther to recant his heretical stance. Undaunted, Luther stood fast, and proclaimed that [paraphrase] he had arrived at his beliefs based on the word of God, and …

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History: justification by faith

Posted on Sun 23 February 2025 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

The justification by faith was the principal doctrine of the Protestant Reformation. The justification by faith says that humans can not achieve salvation through good deeds but by the grace of God, and that this was achieved through the sacrifice of Jesus.

Programing like NASA, the Power of Ten

Posted on Fri 21 February 2025 in tech • Tagged with programming, C++, rust

Should you program like NASA?

Programming is a discipline that requires both speed and integrity. The best developers balance rapid iteration with careful checking, ensuring that their code is robust, maintainable, and adaptable over time. That’s where structured coding principles—like those found in the Power of Ten—may …

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History: Pluralism

Posted on Sun 16 February 2025 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

Pluralism became a problem in the late middle ages, 1500. Many officials held two or more positions within the church at the same time, this allowed a single individual to reap the rewards of multiple positions while still performing the service of one.

History: Indulgences

Posted on Sun 09 February 2025 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

Indulgences were a common practice of Catholic church from before the middle ages through the sixteenth century. In particular, Pope Leo X granted a special jubilee indulgence to finance Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome. However, religious reformers such as Martin Luther openly criticized the practice of paying for penance. Indulgences …

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