History: Jacquerie

Posted on Sun 11 August 2024 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

The Jacquerie was a French peasant revolt which broke out in 1358. The peasants were frustrated with the turmoil that resulted from the Black Death and the Hundred Years' War. The peasants were persecuted by both Merchants, who lived off of peasant lands as they traveled, and the military who …

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History: EstatesGeneral

Posted on Sun 04 August 2024 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

The Estates-General or French Parliament was a political organization in the fourteenth century. The Estates-General was made up of representatives from clergy, nobility and the common people. The Estates-General did not hold significant power, and was mostly subordinate to the rule of the king. Since the burden of taxation weighted …

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History: Flagellant

Posted on Sun 28 July 2024 in history • Tagged with history, movement

1348- The Flagellant movement emerged as a result of the Black Death. The Flagellants believed that the Black Death was a punishment meted out by God to force atonement for the evils and sins of the European people. The Flagellant were especially popular in Germany. They wandered from town to …

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History: Black Death

Posted on Sun 21 July 2024 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

The Black Death, 1350, was a devastating illness that spread rapidly through Europe resulting in millions of dead. The Black Death is estimated to have eliminated 25 to 50 percent of the European population. The natural result was a economic, social, political and cultural calamity.

History: Alexander Nevsky

Posted on Sun 14 July 2024 in history • Tagged with history, person

1220- 1263 - Russian prince of Novgorod, Alexander Nevsky, defeated a German invading army at Lake Peipus in northwestern Russia, 1242. Nevsky forged a political alliance with the Mongols and denounced his brother. The khan rewarded Nevsky by making him Grand Prince, later his descendants became the princes of Moscow and …

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History: Kievan Rus State

Posted on Sun 07 July 2024 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

The Kievan Rus state became formally Christian in 987 and prospered afterward. The Kievan society was dominated by a noble class of landowners. The noble population was made up of the Scandinavians, also known as the Rus, and the chiefs of the old Slavic Tribes. The Kievan Rus were free …

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