History: satrapy

Posted on Sun 28 February 2021 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

A unit of Persian governance similar to a province. The Persian empire consisted of more than twenty of these provinces which were arranged by geography and ethnicity. Each satrapy was ruled by a Satrap or Governor. The satrapies were under the rule of the Great King of Persia, but had …

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History: Darius

Posted on Sun 21 February 2021 in history • Tagged with history, person

521 - 486 BCE- The Great King of Persia who was able to emerge as king after a year of civil war following the death of Cambyses, son of Cyrus the Great. Darius is regarded to have strengthened the Persian Empire, including building a canal from the Red Sea and the …

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History: Cyrus the Great

Posted on Sun 14 February 2021 in history • Tagged with history, person

559 - 530 BCE- One of the great kings of Persia, Cyrus conquered many kingdoms and ruled them beneficently. Cyrus was responsible for the defeat of the Medes, the Chaldeans , the Lydians, and many other peoples. Cyrus had a reputation for mercy, and even allowed subject states to participate in governance …

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History: Persians

Posted on Sun 07 February 2021 in history • Tagged with history, people

The Eastern Mediterranean Region, Middle East into Asia- An enormous empire established in large part due to the expansive conquests of Cyrus the Great. The Persians had conquered nearly every Middle-Eastern civilization and created a huge empire by 500 BCE. The Persians were an Indo-European speaking people related to the …

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Snow Day!

Posted on Mon 01 February 2021 in news • Tagged with photography, portrait




Posted on Sun 31 January 2021 in art • Tagged with wordart, curve
