History: Yahweh

Posted on Sun 06 December 2020 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

Yahweh is the Hebrew God worshiped exclusively when the Hebrews became monotheists, 1000 BCE. This is the God in the Old Testament. The Hebrews believe that if they place their trust in Yehweh, then they will be provided for.

Vegan High Protein Graham Crackers

Posted on Sat 05 December 2020 in food • Tagged with recipe, baking, vegan

Delicious! No Sugar! Done the easy way!

Preheat 350F, about a dozen


* 2 cup graham flour (or substitute artisan mill whole wheat flour) 
* 3/4 cup maple syrup (or honey) 
* 1 scoop vanilla protein (30g) 
* 1/2 cup vegetable shortening 
* 1 tsp baking powder 
* 1/2 tsp baking …

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History: Pentateuch

Posted on Sun 29 November 2020 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

Greek: literally "Five scrolls or documents." The first five books of the Hebrew bible. These books are known as Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Rochester Castle, 1215

Posted on Fri 27 November 2020 in books • Tagged with history, cartography, warfare

I used the remarkable silhouette of Rochester Castle, Kent, UK to create an icon to represent besieged cities in the upcoming Warfare in the Age of Crusades - The Latin East. Available 2021!

Rochester Castle is no stranger to siege warfare. In October 1215 King John besieged it. The intractable task …

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Manzikert 2021

Posted on Thu 26 November 2020 in books • Tagged with history, cartography, warfare

Road to Manzikert chronicles the history of the Byzantine Empire and it’s series of conflicts with the Islamic world. For the first time it will be available in paperback starting in March 2021. Pen and Sword Books #history #military #cartography

Manzikert 2021

History: Exodus

Posted on Sun 22 November 2020 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

1300- 1200 BCE -- A mass migration of the Hebrew people, out of slavery. After hundreds of years of slavery in Egypt, Moses lead the Hebrew people out of Egypt and across the Sinai desert. The Hebrew people "wandered" around the Sinai desert for forty years, about one generation, and finally …

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