History: Paul of Tarsus

Posted on Mon 19 December 2022 in history • Tagged with history, person

5-67 CE

Paul of Tarsus was an important figure from Christianity, since he extended the philosophy of Christian religion from a sect of Hebrew teaching into a religion on its own right. Paul was a Jewish Roman who was influenced by Hellenistic Culture. Paul is responsible for much of the …

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Pui Avanti !

Posted on Sun 18 December 2022 in art • Tagged with poetry, worldcup

No te des por vencido, ni aún vencido,
no te sientas esclavo, ni aún esclavo;
trémulo de pavor, piénsate bravo,
y acomete feroz, ya mal herido.

- Almafuerte

To Survive ...

Fibonacci 200M in 2 Minutes

Posted on Fri 16 December 2022 in tech • Tagged with programming, fibonacci, prime, go


F(200M) in 2 minutes! Apple arm64 is no joke. You can do it yourself with Go Fib

Even More Intense Soft Ginger Cookie

Posted on Thu 15 December 2022 in food • Tagged with cookies, recipe, ginger, yule, christmas, pepper, cayenne

It's about that time of year to update cookie recipes, isn't it?

This is a flavorful soft ginger cookie. I developed this recipe because I find many gingersnap recipes to have too little ginger flavor and intensity. This cookie has the perfect balance of flavor and intensity.

Soft Ginger Cookie

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Posted on Tue 13 December 2022 in tech • Tagged with TypeScript, npmjs, web3, Ethereum, governance

@collectivexyz just published @collectivexyz/governance

Install from command line:

 $ npm install @collectivexyz/governance

Install using yarn:

 $ yarn add @collectivexyz/governance


Simple example to connect to a governance contract.

import { EthWallet, Governance, GovernanceBuilder, CollectiveGovernance } from '@collectivexyz/governance';
import Web3 from 'web3';

export async function connect(): Promise<Governance> {
  try {
    const rpcUrl …

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History: Messiah

Posted on Sun 11 December 2022 in history • Tagged with definition, dictionary

The Messiah is a figure held in Jewish thought who is anticipated to be the savior of the Hebrew people. Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth, 6 BCE- 30 CE , was the Messiah, however most Jews do not accept that Jesus was a Messiah.